Una gran emisión, que aunque es de audio tiene mucho que decir al respecto del framework Grails. De la voz de su creador Graeme Rocher en entrevista con nosotros, quién nos concedió el gran honor de platicar un poco con él.

Respondiendo varias preguntas que le planteamos y saliéndonos un poco de un guión que daba para mucho más, sin embargo, para no extendernos y siendo sustancioso en la charla nos limitamos a que Graeme nos contestará la siguiente serie de preguntas:

  1. Who is Graeme Rocher?
  2. We know you are the author of this framework called Grails, but we want to hear in your own words: what is grails?
  3. Can you tell us a little bit of the history of that time when you created grails?, what was you thinking or doing then? How do you saw the need for a framework like grails?
  4. What is the motivation to use grails?
  5. In your opinion, how is the adoption of grails in java developers?
  6. What do you think about the community around the world using,speaking and contributing to grails?
  7. Has you tried other languages on the jvm? Which ones?
  8. What are your favorite plugins?
  9. Who in the the industry of the technology inspires you?
  10. If you could go back in time and change a key decision in Grails'design, what would it be?What tools are you using to develop grails?
  11. For you, what are the most exciting feature of grails?How can we contribute to grails?Some news about the definitive guide of grails 3d. Edition?
  12. I have some interest to know, which was your first programming language? And why you choosed?
  13. Grails, cloud computing, what it means for you?
  14. Who users of twitter are you following?
  15. Any thoughts you may want to share to the Mexican and LATAM grails community?
Sin lugar a dudas, una experiencia muy motivadora para quienes usan o piensan usar Grails como herramienta de desarrollo.